Conference Exchange in Portogallo!

Se vuoi scoprire come funziona la medicina di base in Portogallo, non farti sfuggire questa enorme opportunità, i colleghi ci invitano a partecipare al prossimo Conference Exchange a Vila Real dal 25 settembre al 1 ottobre!

Per candidarsi è necessario:
– Essere Soci in regola per l’anno 2017 (prima di inviare la candidatura)
– Inviare Curriculum + Motivational letter (entrambi in inglese) a  entro e non oltre il 15 luglio 2017 specificando nell’oggetto a quale conference exchange ci si sta candidando

Di seguito trovate ulteriori dettagli sull’exchanges:

Dear all,
We would like to invite our colleagues from the Vasco da Gama Movement to participate in a conference exchange in Portugal, in the beautiful city of Vila Real. This conference exchange is linked to the 16th National Meeting for Junior Family Doctors and the 21st National Congress for Family Medicine (29th September – 1st October).
How it works:

  • Arrival should be booked for the 25 of September (ideally to Oporto airport; from here participants will need to take the train/bus to Vila Real – more details will be given to participants later).
  • From the 26 to the 28 of September, participants will be able to observe the daily activities of a Portuguese Primary Care Unit.
  • From the 29 to 30 September participants will be attending the Conference. Participants will be asked to prepare a short presentation about the national Health System to present at the conference. The official language of the conference is Portuguese but there will be some sessions in English.
  • We are also planning a social program so that networking is easier and more fun!
  • What is included:
  • Accommodation from the 25 September until 30 September. 
  • Registration fee for both the 16th National Meeting for Junior Family Doctors and the 21st National Congress for Family Medicine.
  • Please note that the participants must pay for the travel expenses.

There are 7 places available for this exchange!